I procured two golden mantellas about 5 months in the past. I'd a painted mantella about twenty five decades in the past After i was A child. These are typically the 1st golden mantellas I have at any time had they usually were sooooo tiny when I got them that I was really so anxious and paranoid about taking care of some thing so little. I establi
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"الشهود" قيمة حضارية إنسانية، تربط وجود الإنسان برسالته التي أبدعه الخالق من اجلها. فهي معنى وجوده فوق الأرض، ليكون شاهدا على الحق ضد الباطل، وعلى العدل ضد الظلم، وعلى الحرية ضد الاستعباد، وعل�